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Disease Management

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Disease Management

Chronic Disease is growing to be the major cause of illness and death in every regions of the world. Continuously monitoring and taking care of chronic disease patients will help preventing patients from developing future complications, improving quality of life and reducing healthcare costs.
          Disease Management is the concept of reducing healthcare costs and/or improving quality of life for individuals with chronic disease conditions by preventing or minimizing the effects of a disease using different tools such as Clinical Practice Guidelines to control and evaluate the standard of care. All health care professionals are cooperate in using disease management concept and applying it to patient care plan by using information at the point of care.
          Since, diabetes is becoming a global burden of disease and also a leading causes of death.CQ-Care-DM is a system that intend to apply the disease management concept to diabetes mellitus as a first disease.

Slide Presentation CQ-Care-DM จากงาน HA National Forum 2008

ศูนย์สารสนเทศและวิจัยระบบยา (ศสวย.), มูลนิธิเพื่อการวิจัยและพัฒนาระบบยา (วพย.)
เลขที่ 1/19 ซอย หมู่บ้านรัตนาธิเบศร์ 1/1 ต.บางรักพัฒนา อ.บางบัวทอง จ.นนทบุรี 11110
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