The Pharmaceutical System Research and Development (PhaReD) Foundation holds as its mission to promote evidence-based decision making through research, development and knowledge management. It aims to foster rational policy decisions and rational use of medicines by developing practical system mechanisms, providing relevant information, synthesizing and disseminating knowledge and creating learning environment that helps empower organizations and individuals. Its main functions are to
- Conduct research & development; provide expertise to support evidence-based decision-making in pharmaceutical and health systems.
- Promote rational policy-making and rational use of drugs through knowledge management.
Between 2003 and 2006, these efforts were carried out under the organization arrangement as Pharmaceutical System Research and Information Center (PSyRIC). With the expansion of work and personnel, the Center registered to become the Pharmaceutical System Research & Development Foundation (PhaReD Foundation) in 2007, with His Excellency Professor Dr. Kasem Watanachai as the founding Chairman of the Board.
The PhaReD Foundation is a not-for-profit organization working for public good.