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PSyRIC-USP Drug Quality Database

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PSyRIC-USP Drug Quality Database

USP-PSyRIC DQI Database Online is an online collection of drug quality information designed for the “USP DQI Mekong Sub-region drug quality monitoring project”.

A set of drug quality information as results from the “USP DQI Mekong Sub-region drug quality monitoring project” is stored in this online database.

With a close collaboration between USP and PSyRIC, we are now developing an online database with application that is user friendly, easy to access and process drug quality data accurately and quickly.

With intend to improve management of information on drug quality testing data and information, DQI database was designed to achieve four different types of operations:

  • input and maintain drug quality data and information (sample information, sample quality testing results)
  • edit existing drug quality testing data when needed
  • search for specific drug quality data and information
  • generate and make use of report of data analysis

Examples of DQI database and application features are searching feature and report producing feature.

Searching feature
Search by active ingredients, trade or brand name and manufacturer will allow you to locate the quality test data and information of relevant drug products conducted in the monitoring project. Details of quality test results are also searchable. You will be able to find, for example, type & reference pharmacopeia of quality test and results of those drug products. Search outputs (as table) are provided in web page format which can be printed from your computer at your convenience.

Report producing feature
Resulting report of data analysis, in term of drug quality, are available in various forms. The results are presented in both table and graph format and also provided in web page format which can be printed from your computer.

We are proud to announce that the online “USP-PSyRIC Drug Quality Information Database” will be uploaded for test run soon.

USP-PSyRIC DQI database is available at DQI Application . Please contact USP or PSyRIC for more details.

ศูนย์สารสนเทศและวิจัยระบบยา (ศสวย.), มูลนิธิเพื่อการวิจัยและพัฒนาระบบยา (วพย.)
เลขที่ 1/19 ซอย หมู่บ้านรัตนาธิเบศร์ 1/1 ต.บางรักพัฒนา อ.บางบัวทอง จ.นนทบุรี 11110
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